Hair Transplantation

FUE Hair Transplant Surgery: Your Solution to Renewed Confidence

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished for a fuller, more vibrant head of hair? For countless Australians, this isn’t just a fleeting thought; it’s a daily concern. But what if we told you there’s a solution that doesn’t involve wigs, hats, or avoidance of the mirrors? Enter FUE hair transplant Surgery.

Understanding FUE Procedure

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a groundbreaking procedure where individual hair follicles are carefully removed from a donor area and transplanted to regions with thin or no hair. FUE offers a significant advantage over older methods like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) – it eliminates the unnatural “hair plugs” look and instead promises a seamless, natural finish. Surgeons carry out this procedure using precise instruments, leaving nearly invisible extraction marks.

Hair loss is natural. The hair growth cycle can diminish as time passes, and follicles may stop producing hair. This can start as early as your 20s or as late as your golden years. FUE hair transplants intervene in this process by introducing hair-producing follicles to areas affected by hair thinning or balding, revitalising the scalp, and boosting hair growth.

FUE Procedure: What you can expect

Recovery from FUE Surgery is impressively swift. Within about three days, any minor swelling or discomfort typically subsides. Here are some post-procedure tips for optimal healing:
  • Refrain from washing or showering for at least three days.
  • Go for gentle shampoos that are fragrance-free.
  • Take a short break from work.
  • Avoid combing or brushing the newly transplanted hair for about three weeks.
  • Do not wear any hat or head wear until advised by your specialist.
  • Hold off on rigorous activities for a minimum of one week.
It’s essential to note that some hair shedding is standard during the healing phase. However, the real transformation starts to unfold around 3- to 4-months. While results vary based on individual hair health, most patients report significantly denser hair growth.

FUE Hair Transplant Before and After: Prepping for Your Transformation

A successful FUE hair surgery begins well before the surgery day. Proper preparation ensures a smoother procedure and optimal results. Here’s how to get ready:
  • Do not smoke or consume alcohol a day and three days prior.
  • Aspirin, blood thinners, and even specific vitamins or supplements should be avoided for two weeks before the surgery.
  • It’s recommended to hold off on antidepressants two weeks before the procedure.
  • Do not get haircuts before the transplant.
  • Get daily scalp massages for multiple weeks before the surgery to promote blood circulation.
  • If prescribed, use medications like minoxidil (Rogaine).
  • Ensure you undergo recommended medical tests like an electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood work before surgery.

Embrace the New You with FUE Hair Surgery

Hair is much more than strands on our heads; it reflects our personality, style, and self-confidence. FUE hair transplant surgery offers a promising solution for those looking to reclaim their hair and, by extension, their confidence. As you venture into this transformative FUE before and after journey, remember that the final result is not just about fuller hair but renewed confidence and a brighter outlook on life. Ready to embark on your hair transformation journey? Speak to one of our experts today and enter a future with luscious locks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, In most cases, the donor site will need to be shaved before the procedure. This can be done at home or with the barber/hairdresser & the doctor will advise what length it needs to be before the procedure date. The receiving site for grafts may need to be shaved, which will be assessed and determined in a consultation with Dr Eeshara Vithana.
The success of FUE surgery largely depends on the surgeon’s skill, the quality of the donor’s hair, and post-operative care. Generally, about 90% to 95% of the transplanted follicles grow hair successfully. This means the failure rate is around 5% to 10%. However, it’s essential to have realistic expectations as various factors can influence the outcome.
The FUE Transplant procedure is safe and effective for men and women looking to restore their hair with transplantation.
Some side effects of FUE Hair Transplant are:
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Shock loss & hair loss
  • Crusting & itching
Around 3 months after the FUE hair transplant, newly implanted hair goes through a phase where it suddenly falls out. This is expected and not to worry about! It will start to grow back and it is a normal hair transplant process.
You can have more than 1 hair transplant; in some cases, clients will need additional transplants depending on the quality of the previous hair transplant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, In most cases, the donor site will need to be shaved before the procedure. This can be done at home or with the barber/hairdresser & the doctor will advise what length it needs to be before the procedure date. The receiving site for grafts may need to be shaved, which will be assessed and determined in a consultation with Dr Eeshara Vithana.
The success of FUE surgery largely depends on the surgeon’s skill, the quality of the donor’s hair, and post-operative care. Generally, about 90% to 95% of the transplanted follicles grow hair successfully. This means the failure rate is around 5% to 10%. However, it’s essential to have realistic expectations as various factors can influence the outcome.
The FUE Transplant procedure is safe and effective for men and women looking to restore their hair with transplantation.
Some side effects of FUE Hair Transplant are:
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Shock loss & hair loss
  • Crusting & itching
Around 3 months after the FUE hair transplant, newly implanted hair goes through a phase where it suddenly falls out. This is expected and not to worry about! It will start to grow back and it is a normal hair transplant process.
You can have more than 1 hair transplant; in some cases, clients will need additional transplants depending on the quality of the previous hair transplant.
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